


Psychosocial Support for Children with Heart Disease and Their Families - The Function and Efficacy of Child Life Involvement

2015年7月17日(金) 11:00 〜 12:00 第7会場 (1F シリウス)

佐藤 ちず子 (東邦大学医療センター大森病院)


[TRSL-01] Psychosocial Support for Children with Heart Disease and Their Families - The Function and Efficacy of Child Life Involvement

Toni F. Millar (New York Presbyterian Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital, USA)

Children with heart disease, and their families, face many psychosocial challenges as a result of various medical treatments and procedures required. Certified Child Life Specialists (CCLS) are experts in child development and the psychosocial effects associated with healthcare experiences. A CCLS is able to assess a child’s developmental level, tailor information and provide coping strategies to improve understanding and management of the healthcare experience. A CCLS brings a valued psychosocial perspective and is an integral member of a child’s medical team (Thompson, R. The Handbook of Child Life: A Guide for Pediatric Psychosocial Care, Charles C Thomas Pub Ltd. Springfield, IL, 2009).
Physicians, nurses and other medical staff focus on the physical treatments of heart disease. A CCLS offers developmentally appropriate explanations of the disease, treatments, tests and procedures, as well as helps to normalize the medical environment for the child and his/her family. A CCLS also helps heart transplant patients and their families manage preoperative, perioperative and long term-post operative psychosocial issues (Young, G.S., PhD; Mintzer, L.L. PhD; Seacord, D., PhD; Castan, M., eda, BA; Mesrkhani, V., MA; and Stuber, M,L,.MD, Symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Parents of Transplant Recipients: Incidence, Severity, and Related Factors, Pediatrics, Vol. 111 No. 6 June 1, 2003, pp. e725 -e731).
Treating children with heart disease requires a multidisciplinary team, who not only treats the child, but understands how the disease affects the entire family. A CCLS is an essential member of a high performing healthcare team that is focused on providing safe, quality, patient and family-centered care.