The 52st Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery

Presentation information



Thu. Jul 7, 2016 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM 第B会場 (天空 センター)

山岸 敬幸(慶應義塾大学医学部 小児科)
横山 詩子(横浜市立大学医学部 循環制御医学)


3:00 PM - 4:30 PM

[II-S13-01] Genetic Advances in Congenital Heart Disease

Vidu Garg (Director of the Center for Cardiovascular Research at Nationwide Children's hospital (OH, USA))

Cardiovascular malformations are the most common type of birth defect and result in significant mortality worldwide. The etiology for the majority of these anomalies remains unknown but genetic contributors are recognized as playing an important role. Genomic medicine has rapidly advanced over the past decade, and in some fields allows clinicians the ability to identify genetic contributors for a disease which lead to both tailored personalized treatment regimens and appropriate genetic counseling. This trend is becoming more appreciated in the field of congenital heart disease. An increasing number of genetic etiologies of human congenital heart defects can be defined due to the convergence of an increased molecular understanding of heart development and advances in genetic technologies.