


日本小児循環器学会・心筋生検研究会joint session:小児心筋炎をめぐる基礎と臨床のクロストーク

2016年7月8日(金) 08:40 〜 10:10 第A会場 (天空 A)

今中 恭子(三重大学大学院医学系研究科 修復再生病理学)
武田 充人(北海道大学 小児科)


08:40 〜 10:10

[III-PD05-01] The immune system of the myocardium

Stefan Frantz (Director of the University Department of Internal Medicine III Martin Luther University Halle / Wittenberg )

In the beginning of the 1990ies, it was first recognized that patients with heart failure have an elevation of cytokines (e.g. tumor necrosis factor (TNF)). It was subsequently shown that TNF can suppress cardiac function, animals overexpressing TNF develop a heart failure phenotype, and TNF correlates clinical with prognosis of heart failure patients. This all implied the immune system in the pathophysiology of heart failure.
However, except for the rare case of myocarditis, heart failure is not a disease triggered by infection. Thus, the reason for upregulation of TNF and other cytokines were not understood. Interestingly it turned out that most of the cytokines belong to the so called innate immune system. Subsequently it was shown that receptors and effector systems of the innate immune system are expressed in the heart and have a functional role. The innate immune system can be activated by factors released during injury, so called alarm signals, like e.g. HSP (heat shock proteins).
By now a better understanding of the role of the innate immune system might thus help us to develop new clinical pharmaceutical targets to treat heart failure.