




2016年7月7日(木) 18:00 〜 19:00 ポスター会場 (天空 ノース)

豊野 学朋(秋田大学医学部附属病院 小児科)


18:00 〜 19:00

[P16-02] 円錐動脈幹異常心疾患における動脈硬化度の増加

久保 慎吾, 浅田 大, 糸井 利幸, 西川 幸佑, 森下 祐馬, 河井 容子, 梶山 葉, 池田 和幸, 中川 由美, 奥村 謙一, 浜岡 建城 (京都府立医科大学附属病院 小児循環器腎臓科)

キーワード:PWV、CAHD、aortic stiffness

Pulse wave velocity (PWV) represents the aortic stiffness. Although tetralogy of Fallot, one of the developmental anomalies of conotruncal septum (CAHD), is known to have the high PWV due to the abnormal medial wall, the aortic stiffness in other CAHD has not been investigated.
CAHD included double outlet right ventricle, interruption of aortic arch, patent truncus arteriosus and transposition of great arteries. PWV (cm/s) of the ascending (aPWV) and descending aortas (dPWV) was measured by dividing the drawing distance by the wave transmission time using catheter in 41 CAHD patients and 26 control subjects. The PWV-related factors (hemoglobin [Hb; g/dL], aortic diameter at sinotubular junction corrected by body surface area [STJ; mm/m2], aortic diameter at the level of diaphragm [dAo]) were also measured in the two groups.
aPWV of CAHD was significantly higher than control (CAHD;795.7 ± 147.1, control; 480.4 ± 30.8, p=0.04), but dPWV had no significant difference between the two groups (CAHD;495.1 ± 43.5, control; 433.6 ± 16.1). Hb (CAHD; 14.0 ± 0.4, control; 12.3 ± 0.2, p<0.01), and STJd (CAHD; 30.1 ± 2.0, control; 22.3 ± 1.9, p=0.01) of CAHD was also significantly higher than control with no significant differences in dAo.
The increase of blood density and dilation of aortic diameter are known as the decelerator of PWV. Regardless of the increase these parameters, aPWV of CAHD was significantly higher than control. These results suggest that the stiffness of the ascending aorta is enhanced in CAHD.