○Christian Benden (Faculty of Medicine, University of Zurich, Switzerland)
International Symposium of Pediatric Heart and Lung Transplantation
Symposium 4
New era of pediatric lung transplantation in the world
2021年7月10日(土) 09:40 〜 11:10 Track6 (現地会場)
Chair:Hiroshi Date(Department of Thoracic Surgery, Kyoto Univeristy Graduate School of Medicine, Japan)
Chair:Stuart Sweet(Department of Pediatrics , Washington University School of Medicine in St.Louis, USA)
○Shaf Keshavjee (Department of Surgery, University of Toronto, Canada)
○Marc G Schecter (Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pulmonary Medicine, University of Florida, USA)
○Hiroshi Date (Department of Thoracic Surgery, Kyoto University, Japan)
○Seiichiro Sugimoto, Shinji Otani, Kentaroh Miyoshi, Shin Tanaka, Yasuaki Tomioka, Ken Suzawa, Hiromasa Yamamoto, Mikio Okazaki, Masaomi Yamane, Shinichi Toyooka (General Thoracic Surgery and Organ Transplant Center, Okayama University Hospital, Japan)