


The role of the right ventricle in tricuspid valve function

2021年7月9日(金) 14:20 〜 15:00 Track3 (Web開催会場)

座長:金 成海(静岡県立こども病院)

[I-IL06] The role of the right ventricle in tricuspid valve function

Kandice Mah (British Columbia Children’s Hospital, Canada))

Tricuspid valve anatomy varies amongst individuals. This variability increases in congenital heart disease. Maintaining normal tricuspid valve function requires precise orientation of the valvar apparatus within the right ventricle which can be affected by the right ventricular function and size. In congenital heart disease, especially in the context of hypoplastic left heart syndrome, the ability for a tricuspid valve to maintain competency is dependent on its ability to adapt to the changes in hemodynamics. In today’s discussion we will discuss the role the right ventricle plays in influencing tricuspid valve function.