1:45 PM - 2:00 PM
*Kaito Takamatsu1, Kenta Otsubo2,3, Kosho Kasuga4 (1. Graduate School of Gifu University, 2. Grad School of Hyogo University of Teacher Edu., 3. JSPS Research Fellowship for young scientists, 4. Gifu University)
Oral (Theme)
健康福祉研究部会 » 【課題C】運動不足(不活動)に伴う⼼⾝機能の低下をいかに予防するか
Wed. Sep 8, 2021 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM Room 24 (Zoom)
Chair: Ai Tanaka (Meisei University)
1:45 PM - 2:00 PM
*Kaito Takamatsu1, Kenta Otsubo2,3, Kosho Kasuga4 (1. Graduate School of Gifu University, 2. Grad School of Hyogo University of Teacher Edu., 3. JSPS Research Fellowship for young scientists, 4. Gifu University)
2:00 PM - 2:15 PM
*Hayase Kadodani1, Kenta Otubo2,3, Kousho Kasuga4 (1. Graduate School of Gifu University , 2. Grad School of Hyogo University of Teacher Edu., 3. JSPS Research Fellowship for young scientists, 4. Gifu University)
2:15 PM - 2:30 PM
*Takahiro Nakano1, Kosho Kasuga2 (1. Chukyo University, 2. Gifu University)
2:30 PM - 2:45 PM
*Natsuko Enomoto1, Akiko Shikano2, Chiaki Tanaka3, Kosuke Tanabe4, Ryo Tanaka5, Shingo Noi2 (1. Nippon Sport Science University Doctoral Course, 2. Nippon Sport Science Univ., 3. Tokyo Kasei Gakuin Univ., 4. Teikyo Heisei Univ., 5. Osaka University of Health and Sport Science )
2:45 PM - 3:00 PM
*Masanobu Uchiyama1 (1. Akita Prefectural University)
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