The 73rd Conference of the Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sports Sciences

Session information

Poster (Subdiscipline)

専門領域別 » 運動生理学


Fri. Sep 1, 2023 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM RY207 (良心館2階RY207番教室)

*Sho Onodera1, Takuma Wada2, Sotaro Hayashi3, Yasuo Ishida4, Kiho So5, Akira Yoshioka6, Hidetaka Yamaguchi7, Terumasa Takahara7, Kaori Matsuo1, Keisho Katayama8 (1. kawasaki University of medical Welfare, 2. Tottri College, 3. Fukuyama City University, 4. Okayama University of Science, 5. Nippon balance posturist federation, 6. Kansai University of Social Welfare, 7. Kibi International University, 8. Nagoya University)



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