60th Annual Meeting in Autumn

Presentation information



Sat. Dec 16, 2017 4:00 PM - 5:50 PM A会場 (メインホール)

座長:古市 保志(国際交流委員会委員長、北海道医療大学 歯周歯内治療学分野)、齋藤 淳(国際交流委員会副委員長、東京歯科大学 歯周病学講座)

[IS-2] Asian Pacific Society of Periodontology-Past, Present and Future

Young Ku (President, Asian Pacific Society of Periodontology)


DDS, Ph.D. received from Seoul National University in 1986 and 1997, respectively
President, Asian Pacific Society of Periodontology
Professor, Department of Periodontology, School of Dentistry, SNU, Korea
Past President, IADR-Asia Pacific Region (APR)
President-elect, Korean Academy of Maxillofacial Implantology
Vice President, Korean Academy of Periodontology
Chairperson, 12th APSP Seoul Meeting
The Asia-Pacific region is the highest-populated region in the world. Therefore, the level of periodontal health reflects the overall level of that of the world. To encourage the knowledge sharing in periodontics, the Asian Pacific Society of Periodontology was formed at the conclusion of the 2nd Asian Pacific Periodontal Symposium held in Tokyo on 15 October, 1993. To date, twelve symposia have been held including the Seoul Meeting just held in last September.
One of the principal objectives of this Society is to foster collegiality and friendships. It is expected that the collaboration between the membership countries will be expanded further. The Society owes much to the Japanese periodontists from the beginning period and expects continuing support from them as well as the Japanese Society of Periodontology which they were affiliated.