60th Annual Meeting in Autumn

Presentation information



Sat. Dec 16, 2017 4:00 PM - 5:50 PM A会場 (メインホール)

座長:古市 保志(国際交流委員会委員長、北海道医療大学 歯周歯内治療学分野)、齋藤 淳(国際交流委員会副委員長、東京歯科大学 歯周病学講座)

[IS-5] Periodontal status in China

Dali Liu (Board member, Chinese Society of Periodontology)


Institute: Department of Periodontology, Ninth People’s Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine.
Education: Stomatological School of Tongji University, DDS, 1994.
Stomatological School of Tongji University, MD, 2000.
The University of Tokushima Graduate School, PhD, 2008.
CSP position: Yong board member (2011-2014)
Board member and secretary (2014-2017)
Board member (2017-)
 The Chinese Society of Periodontology (CSP), affiliated to the Chinese Stomatological Association, was established in 1999. Since 2013, the number of the CSP members has been consisitent growth and reached to 2,660 in 2017. The Society has 11 executive members and 193 board members from. As a young academic association, the CSP have focused on some basic works, including providing professional periodontal training for dentists in less developed areas, promoting the exchange and cooperation between dental schools in China, and developing cooperation with academic societies outside China.

 Chinese patients have different genetic, microbiological background and periodontal condition with patients from European and USA. Increased tendency of gingival bleeding was found in Chinese patients due to poor oral hygiene and ethnic characteristics of Chinese patients. The most up-to-date dental disease survey showed high persentage of people with periodontal diseases. Althoug the education and certification of dentist have been improved in recent years, the periodontal specialist certification system has not been developed in China. Many people with severe periodontal desease can not find profesional treatment.

 Since 1980’s, many Chinese dentists study abroad including in Japan. This has greatly promoted the development of dentistry in China.