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第60回 日本小児血液・がん学会学術集会 » 一般口演

[_OS20] 一般口演20

Oral Session 20 Hepatic tumor

Thu. Nov 15, 2018 1:10 PM - 1:50 PM 第4会場 (みやこめっせ B1F 大会議室)

座長:田中 祐吉(神奈川県立こども医療センター), 井田 孔明(帝京大学医学部附属溝口病院小児科)

[OS20-1-4] 小児固形腫瘍NGSパネルによるCTNNB1部分欠失の検出
Detection of CTNNB1 partial deletions by an NGS panel test targeting pediatric solid tumors

Fumito Yamazaki1,2, Atsuko Nakazawa3, Yoshiko Nakano4, Miki Ohira5, Takako Yoshioka6, Motohiro Kato7, Chitose Ogawa8, Koichi Ichimura4, Takehiko Kamijo5, Tomoro Hishiki9, Hitoshi Ichikawa1 (1.Department of Clinical Genomics, National Cancer Center Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan, 2.Keio University, Graduate School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan, 3.Department of Clinical Research, Saitama Children’s Medical Center, Saitama, Japan, 4.Division of Brain Tumor Translational Research, National Cancer Center Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan, 5.Research Institute for Clinical Oncology, Saitama Cancer Center, Saitama, Japan, 6.Department of Pathology, National Center for Child Health and Development, Tokyo, Japan, 7.Children’s Cancer Center, National Center for Child Health and Development, Tokyo, Japan, 8.Department of Pediatric Oncology, National Cancer Center Central Hospital, Tokyo, Japan, 9.Department of Pediatric Surgical Oncology, National Cancer Center Central Hospital, Tokyo, Japan)

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