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[EL2] Hassed先生による「マインドフルネス」をケアの現場に活かす!ワークショップ~医療者自身のケア、そして質の高いケアを求めて~

Fri. Jun 19, 2015 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM 第9会場 (会議センター 503)

座長:土屋静馬(昭和大学横浜市北部病院 総合内科(腫瘍))

[EL2-1] Mindfulness for care of self and patients: the science, practice and philosophy of mindfulness for wellbeing, managing mental and physical illness, and sustainable clinical performance in healthcare professionals.

Dr. Craig Hassed (Senior lecturer in the Monash University School of Primary Healthcare, Monash University Mindfulness Consultant)

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