The 23rd congress of the JSPM

Session information


[SY35] Role of End-of-Life Practice: Treatment withdrowal, palliative sedation, physician-assisted suicide and euthanesia.

Sun. Jun 17, 2018 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM 第11会場 (神戸国際会議場 メインホール)

座長:森 雅紀(聖隷三方原病院),Sang-Yeon Suh, MD, MPH, PhD(Full Professor of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Dongguk University School of Medicine、Cair of Department of Family Medicine, Dongguk University Ilsan Hospital)

森 雅紀 利益相反1~13:該当無し
Sang-Yeon Suh, MD, MPH, PhD 利益相反1~13:該当無し