The 23rd congress of the JSPM

Presentation information


分野3 「精神・心理・社会的ケア・終末期・倫理的問題」

[O1] せん妄/精神・心理的ケア/コミュニケーション/ピアサポート

Fri. Jun 15, 2018 9:15 AM - 10:45 AM 第4会場 (ポートピアホテル 偕楽)

座長:清水 研(国立がん研究センター 中央病院 精神腫瘍科),吉田 沙蘭(東北大学大学院 教育学研究科)

[O1-6] A Feasibility Study of Mindfulness for Health Professionals Building Resilience and Compassion Program (MHALO program)

Sunre Park1,3, Daisuke Fujisawa2,3, Yasuko Sato4, Mitsuhiro Sado2,5, Akira Ninomiya2,5, Teppei Kosugi2,5, Yuuka Takita1, Noriko Tamura3, Junko Morishita1, Mari Takeuchi3, Saori Hashiguchi3,6 (1.Faculty of Nursing and Medicine Care, Keio University, 2.Department of Neuropsychiatry, Keio University School of Medicine, 3.Palliative Care Center, Keio University Hospital, 4.Tokyo Medical Center, 5.Keio Center for Stress Research, 6.Department of Anesthesiology, Keio University School of Medicine)

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