Autumn Meeting of the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy, 2019
Date : October 22 (Tue)~ October 24 (Thu), 2019
Venue: Nagoya University, Toyoda Auditorium
Cosponsored by Nagoy University, Graduate School of Engineering
Important Dates:
Deadline of Abstract Submission:August 19 (Mon) 24:00 <Japan Time>
Deadline of PDF Abstract Submission:September 11 (Wed) 24:00 <Japan Time>
Deadline of Early-bird Registration:October 4 (Fri) 24:00 <Japan Time>
Attention please!!
・After October 5 (Sat), please register on-site.
And we will not publish a booklet of the abstract of this meeting. Since you need to download the abstracts from the the website of JSPM Autumn meeting, please bring your laptop etc. that can connect to the website on the day of the meeting.
・ Eating and drinking is prohibited in the session rooms (only bottled water is allowed). The rest space on the 1st and 2nd floors is available for eating and drinking.
・ Please use public transportation as you cannot come by car.
・The program of the autumn meeting has been released today. (20190902)
・The speaker of the presentation is necessary to register the meeting. Please login the following URL using your ID and Password when you created your account and make your registration. The others will create an account at first and make a registration.