JSPM International Conference on Powder and Powder Metallurgy ~60th Anniversary~ (JSPMIC2017)


C » C-1:Synthesis, Processing, and Properties of Powder

Poster presentation

[P-C1] Synthesis, Processing, and Properties of Powder

2017年11月7日(火) 19:00 〜 20:30 Room D_P-7 (2F, International Conference Hall III)

Core Time: November 7 (Tue) 19:00-20:30
Presentation Time:odd number;19:00-19:45 even number:19:45-20:30

19:00 〜 20:30

*MyeongWon Lee1, EunBin Kim1, KapHo Lee2, JarMyung Koo1, SoonJik Hong1 (1. Division of Advanced Materials Engineering, Kongju National University, 275, Budae-dong, Cheonan City, Chungcheongnam-do, 330-717, Republic of Korea.(Korea), 2. Department of Nano Materials Engineering, Chungnam University, Daejeon 304-764, Republic of Korea(Korea))

Oral presentation

[7E-C1] Synthesis, Processing, and Properties of Powder

2017年11月7日(火) 10:30 〜 12:15 Room E (2F, Conference Room III)

Chairperson: Takashi SHIRAI (Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan), Chairperson: Miki INADA (Kyushu University, Japan)

10:30 〜 10:55

*Fabien GRASSET1,2,4, Ngan.T.K. NGUYEN1,2, Wanghui CHEN1,2, Adele RENAUD3, Norio SAITO1,2, Benjamin DIERRE1,4, Noriko SAITO2, Noee DUMAIT3, Stéphane CORDIER3, Naoki OHASHI1,2,4, Tetsuo UCHIKOSHI1,2 (1. LINK UMI 3629 CNRS-Saint Gobain-NIMS, NIMS(Japan), 2. Research Center for Functional Materials, NIMS(Japan), 3. ISCR UMR 6226 CNRS-University of Rennes (France), 4. NIMS-Saint-Gobain COE for Advanced Materials, NIMS(Japan))

Oral presentation

[7E-C1] Synthesis, Processing, and Properties of Powder

2017年11月7日(火) 13:30 〜 15:10 Room E (2F, Conference Room III)

Chairperson: Hisao SUZUKI (Shizuoka University, Japan), Chairperson: Chika TAKAI (Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan)

14:50 〜 15:10

*Mamoru Senna1,2, Peter Billik3, Dariusz Oleszak4, Erika Tothova5, Martin Fabian5, Vladimir Sepelak6, Horst Hahn6 (1. Keio University(Japan), 2. Shizuoka University(Japan), 3. Comenius University(Slovakia), 4. Warsaw University of Technology(Poland), 5. Institute of Geotechnics SAS(Slovakia), 6. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology(Germany))

Oral presentation

[7E-C1] Synthesis, Processing, and Properties of Powder

2017年11月7日(火) 15:30 〜 17:15 Room E (2F, Conference Room III)

Chairperson: Tetsuo UCHIKOSHI (National Institute for Materials Science, Japan), Chairperson: Masayoshi FUJI (Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan)

Oral presentation

[7E-C1] Synthesis, Processing, and Properties of Powder

2017年11月7日(火) 17:30 〜 18:30 Room E (2F, Conference Room III)

Chairperson: Naonori SAKAMOTO (Shizuoka University, Japan), Chairperson: Hadi RAZAVI KHOSROSHAHI (Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan)



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