JSPM International Conference on Powder and Powder Metallurgy ~60th Anniversary~ (JSPMIC2017)


Oral presentation

E » E-3:Nano and Ultra-fine Materials

[7C-E3] Nano and Ultra-fine Materials

2017年11月7日(火) 13:30 〜 15:10 Room C (2F, International Conference Hall II)

Chairperson: Zenji HORITA (Kyushu Univeristy, Japan), Chairperson: Koichi Tsuchiya TSUCHIYA (National Institute for Materials Science, Japan)

13:50 〜 14:10

[7C-E3-08] [INVITED] Suppressing Ligament Growth of Porous Metals during Liquid Metal Dealloying Process

*Hidemi KATO1, Takeshi WADA1, Masashi TSUDA1 (1. Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University(Japan))

キーワード:liquid metal dealloying, ligament growth, porous titanium

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