JSPM International Conference on Powder and Powder Metallurgy ~60th Anniversary~ (JSPMIC2017)


Oral presentation

B » B-1:Hard Materials

[9D-B1] Hard Materials

2017年11月9日(木) 09:20 〜 11:25 Room D_Oral (2F, International Conference Hall III)

Chairperson: Hideaki MATSUBARA (Tohoku University, Japan), Chairperson: Masaru KAWAKAMI (Fuji Die Co., Ltd, Japan)

09:20 〜 09:45

[9D-B1-01] [INVITED] Assessing hot deformation mechanisms in cemented carbides using crystal orientation and other electron imaging techniques

*Bryan Roebuck1, Ken Mingard1 (1. National Physical Laboratory(UK))

キーワード:Cemented Carbides, High Temperature Deformation, Electron Back Scatter Diffraction, Crack Morphology

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