JSPM International Conference on Powder and Powder Metallurgy ~60th Anniversary~ (JSPMIC2017)


Poster presentation

E » E-7:Magnetic, Electric, Dielectric and Thermoelectric Materials

[P-E7] Magnetic, Electric, Dielectric and Thermoelectric Materials

2017年11月7日(火) 19:00 〜 20:30 Room D_P-17 (2F, International Conference Hall III)

Core Time: November 7 (Tue) 19:00-20:30
Presentation Time:odd number;19:00-19:45 even number:19:45-20:30

19:00 〜 20:30

[P-E7-06] Study of magnetism and electronic structures of compounds with CoAs layers

*Hiroto OHTA1, Atsushi SUZUKI, Daisuke NOGUCHI, Atsushi ODA, Takuya IINUMA, Hiroko ARUGA KATORI (1. Department of Applied Physics, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology(Japan))

キーワード:Ferromagnetism, Layered structure, Band calculation

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