JSPM International Conference on Powder and Powder Metallurgy ~60th Anniversary~ (JSPMIC2017)


Poster presentation

E » E-7:Magnetic, Electric, Dielectric and Thermoelectric Materials

[P-E7] Magnetic, Electric, Dielectric and Thermoelectric Materials

2017年11月7日(火) 19:00 〜 20:30 Room D_P-17 (2F, International Conference Hall III)

Core Time: November 7 (Tue) 19:00-20:30
Presentation Time:odd number;19:00-19:45 even number:19:45-20:30

19:00 〜 20:30

[P-E7-15] Current Density Dependence of Asymmetric Magnetoresistance in Pt/Py Bilayers Under Various Magnetic Field Strength

*Tian Li1, Sanghoon Kim1, Seung-Jae Lee2, Seo-Won Lee3, Tomohiro Koyama4, Daichi Chiba4, Takahiro Moriyama1, Kyung-Jin Lee2,3, Kab-Jin Kim1,5, Teruo Ono1,6 (1. Inst. for Chemical Res., Kyoto Univ. (Japan), 2. KU-KIST Graduate School of Converging Sci. and Tech., Korea Univ.(Korea), 3. Department of Materials Sci. and Eng., Korea Univ.(Korea), 4. Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Eng., Univ. of Tokyo(Japan), 5. Department of Physics, Korea Advanced Indus. of Sci. and Tech. (Korea), 6. Center for Spintronics Res. Network (CSRN), Graduate School of Eng. Sci., Osaka Univ.(Japan))

キーワード:spintronics, magnon, nano device, alloy, metal

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