

日本理学療法教育学会 » 口述発表

[O-ED-05] 口述演題(教育)05


2017年5月14日(日) 11:40 〜 12:40 A6会場 (幕張メッセ国際会議場 中会議室303)

座長:大森 圭貢(聖マリアンナ医科大学整形外科学講座)


[O-ED-05-6] The Study Report of Fiji-Okinawa Rehabilitation Island Project(Phase2)
Aim to establish interdisciplinary rehabilitation approach and Physical Therapy based on the proper physical therapy evaluations

RYUSUKE KYAN1,2, TSUNAKI HIGA2,3, KOUJI MIZOTA4 (1.Ryukyu Rehabilitation Academy, 2.Okinawa Physical Therapy Association, International Affairs Department, 3.Hokubuchiku Medical Association Hospital, 4.Ryukyu Rehabilitation Academy, Rehabilitation science and Diversity Laboratory)

キーワード:Physical Therapy, Evaluation, JICA


The International Affairs Department(IAD)belongs with Okinawa Physical Therapy Association(OPTA)have been planning and management for public utilities and academic activities for international cooperation. IAD had been holding the JICA Partnership program to Fiji Physio Therapist(Fiji PT)since 2007 to 2017. The aim of this study was to report the process, the results and outcomes of the Phase2.


Following the project Phase1, OPTA started a new project as Phase2. It was focused to establish comprehensive rehabilitation evaluation system and skills. Trainee from Fiji was required“To able to formulate treatment programs based on proper evaluation for patients and practice the interdisciplinary rehabilitation”. The trainees included PTs, Doctors and Nurses. PTs specially trained assessment skills, Doctors and Nurses trained treatment skills and interdisciplinary rehabilitation approach. During the project, OPTA team has been dispatched to Fiji for 7 times to follow up trainees and facilitate skills or knowledge. The Okinawa team will be dispatched to finalize this project in December.


The trainee who trained on Phase1 had made“Physiotherapy plan for each patient”was utilized in Fiji. However, the outcomes were insufficient. Regarding to Phase2, evaluation skills of the trainees were improved. Furthermore, adding the doctors and nurses were able to encourage a team approach. The Okinawa team had had several workshops or sessions to facilitate at Fiji PT. Through these interactions, Fiji PT was able to contribute PT assessment and the management of acute phase for stroke, risk management, cardiovascular and community rehabilitation.


The JICA partnership program beginning from volunteer activities through international exchange and cooperation by OPTA, we were able to contribute to the social development, local residents and Fiji PT. It could be expected to lead more developed activities.


We have no COI with regard our presentation.