45th Autumn congress of JSRT

Presentation information


Imaging Techniques and Research

Imaging Techniques and Research (Tomosynthesis, IVR); Evaluation

Fri. Oct 20, 2017 3:50 PM - 4:50 PM 第7会場 (事務室1-3)

座長:中島正弘(市立甲府病院), 三宅博之(川崎市立川崎病院)

[OIR21-6] Trial of the Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformation Concentration Difference Separation Using the Single Injector

天野晴基, 橋口尚貢, 北川剛 (中村記念病院 医療技術部 放射線診断科)

Keywords:head and neck, 3D rotational angiography, contrast medium, single injrctor, arteriovenous malformation(AVM)

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