45th Autumn congress of JSRT

Presentation information



Imaging (Multi Modality) Image Evaluation

Thu. Oct 19, 2017 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM ポスター会場2 (ひまわりB)


[PIM2-2] Investigation of Basic Image Characteristics of CsI Type Indirect Conversion Flat Panel Detector of Cassette Type Wireless Portable Detector

中村浩章1, 諏訪和明2, 豊田高次1, 釈迦堂啓子1, 岩井美緒1, 竹添太1, 今井宜雄1 (1.NTT東日本関東病院 放射線部, 2.獨協医科大学越谷病院 放射線部)

Keywords:others, detective quantum efficiency (DQE), noise equivalent quanta (NEQ), flat panel detector (FPD)

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