The 44th Japan Shoulder Society combined with The 1st Asia-Pacific Shoulder & Elbow Symposium

Presentation information

[Nurse for Shoulder Surgery] Perioperative Nursing

The 1st Nurse for Shoulder Surgery » Oral

Perioperative Nursing 3

Sat. Oct 7, 2017 4:40 PM - 5:40 PM Room 4 (2F Matsuba)

座長:岩本 昭子(医療法人社団悠仁会 羊ヶ丘病院)

[N-O-051] 肩関節鏡視下術における、外転装具使用中患者への看護援助の実際

小磯 賢一, 久木元 貢, 竹内 美香, 川上 泰幸, 小濱 真弓 (船橋整形外科病院)

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