The 44th Japan Shoulder Society combined with The 1st Asia-Pacific Shoulder & Elbow Symposium

Presentation information

[Japan Shoulder Society International Symposium] Symposium

The 44th Annual Meeting, Japan Shoulder Society / The 1st Asia-pacific Shoulder & Elbow Symposium International Symposium » Symposium

Rotator Cuff: Small to Medium Tears

Fri. Oct 6, 2017 9:25 AM - 10:40 AM Room 1 (3F Hakuun/Keiun)

Moderator:Eiji Itoi(Department of Orthopaedic Surgery,Tohoku University School of Medicine), Jingzhong Zhao(Department of Sports Medicine, Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital, Shanghai)

[SE-SY3-6] Arthroscopic repair of the rotator cuff: prospective study of tendon healing after 70 years of age in 145 patients

Pierre-Henri Flurin1, P Hardy2, P Abadie2, P Boileau3, Philippe Collin4, J Deranlot2, P Desmoineaux5, M Duport6, J Essig6, A Godenèche7, T Joudet8, J Kany9, C Sommaire10, J-F Thelu3, P Valenti11, The SFA12 (1.Bordeaux-Merignac Sports Clinic. France, 2.CHU Ambroise-Paré. Boulogne-Billancourt. France, 3.Hôpital Archet 2, Nice. France, 4.Centre hospitalier privé de Saint-Grégoire. France, 5.Pôle ABCDO, hôpital André-Mignot, Le Chesnay. France, 6.Médipole Garonne, Toulouse. France, 7.Centre orthopédique Santy, Lyon. France, 8.Centre orthopédique du Libournais, Libourne. France, 9.Clinique de l’Union. France, 10.CCOM, CHU de Strasbourg, Illkirch. France, 11.Clinique Jouvenet, institut de l’épaule, Paris. France, 12.Cabinet médical, Paris. France)

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