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[PA] area_A

Sun. Jun 26, 2022 10:50 AM - 11:50 AM PA (Poster room)

[PA-15] Consideration of the difference between the willingness to purchase and to use traditional crafts

- From a questionnaire survey of consumers regarding traditional crafts in Fukuoka and Saga -

*Kazunori OBUCHI1 (1. MIRAI Research Center for Traditional Crafts, Kyushu Sangyo University)

Keywords:Traditional crafts, Awareness of purchase and use, Internet survey

In this study, the author conducted an internet survey of 1,000 consumers nationwide and obtained answers regarding their interest in nine traditional crafts from Fukuoka and Saga, and their awareness of purchasing and using them. As a result, the reason for the willingness to purchase and use, "because the design is good" was higher in the willingness to use than the willingness to purchase in textiles, but the opposite situation was found in ceramics in Fukuoka.