Presentation information


[PA] area_A

Sun. Jun 26, 2022 10:50 AM - 11:50 AM PA (Poster room)

[PA-17] Communication design of object-based learning for global well-being

*Sayuri Tanabashi1 (1. Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo)

Keywords:Object-based learning, Object therapy, Well-being

Object-based learning, which is an active learning method using museum objects, can cultivate learner’s visual literacy, partial literacy, descriptive (linguistic) literacy, communication skills, comparative analyses, and negotiation skills in cross-disciplinary learning context. It has focused not only as “teaching technique” but also as “communication technique” through a rethink. While the efficacy of cross-disciplinary learning has demonstrated, the potential as psychotherapy has recently been attracting attention. Actually, it was revealed that the object therapy using art(s) with creative activities ameliorates the loneliness or social isolation of participants. Here, we discuss how museum objects can contribute to well-being for the achievement of the SDGs from the educational and psychological framework in the museological context.