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[PA] area_A

Sun. Jun 26, 2022 10:50 AM - 11:50 AM PA (Poster room)

[PA-18] Research and analysis of behavioral patterns in creative organizational culture

*Daiki Obara1, Yuko Inoue1, Akira Sakai2, Aki Ito3, Kazuhiko Yamazaki3 (1. Wilson Learning Worldwide, Inc, 2. the creative journey ,Inc, 3. Musashino Art University )

Keywords:Organizational culture, Design research, Value creation

Due to changes in the business environment, the growth of businesses that have supported organizations’ past growth has slowed down in many cases, and there is an increasing need to activate activities that create new value. Because of those backgrounds, attention to new value creation in organizations is increasing, but in Japan, the practice of transformation into an organization that continuously creates value is not always successful. In this report, we report on the results of the "Research and analysis of behavioral patterns in creative organizational culture" that focused on organizational culture regarding value creation.