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学会本部 » 学術推進(SPC)シンポジウム

凝固とその制御部会「凝固因子と凝固制御因子の多様性と生体における新たな役割-Diversity of coagulation factors and coagulation inhibitors and their new biological roles-」

Fri. Jun 19, 2020 9:00 AM - 10:45 AM 第5会場

座長:家子 正裕(岩手県立中部病院臨床検査科・血液内科), 野上 恵嗣(奈良県立医科大学小児科)

[SPC2-4] Hereditary functional thrombomodulin deficiency, a new entity for congenital thrombophilia syndromes

Masahiko Okada1, Goichi Honda2, Koji Suzuki3 (1.Misakaeno-sono Ayumino-ie, Omura, Japan, 2.Department of Medical Affairs, Asahi Kasei Pharma Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, 3.Department of Molecular Pathobiology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Suzuka University of Medical Science, Suzuka, Japan)

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