1:50 PM - 2:05 PM
[O2-5-1] A covalent SRPK1/2 inhibitor, SRPKIN-1, inhibits virion formation and de-capsidation of HBV
*Kenji Nakashima1, Xiaofang Li1, Masahiko Ito1, Tetsuro Suzuki1 (1. Hamamatsu University School of Medicine)
Mon. Nov 14, 2022 1:50 PM - 3:20 PM Room 5 (Conference Room 109)
Chair:Tomoyuki Honda(Department of Virology, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University), Ryosuke Suzuki(National Institute of Infectious Diseases)
1:50 PM - 2:05 PM
*Kenji Nakashima1, Xiaofang Li1, Masahiko Ito1, Tetsuro Suzuki1 (1. Hamamatsu University School of Medicine)
2:05 PM - 2:20 PM
*Adi Ariffianto1, Lin Deng1, Chieko Matsui1, Takayuki Abe1, Masahiko Ito2, Tetsuro Suzuki2, Yoshiharu Matsuuura3, Ikuo Shoji1 (1. Division of Infectious Disease Control, Center for Infectious Diseases, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe, Japan, 2. Department of Virology and Parasitology, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Hamamatsu, Japan, 3. Center for Infectious Diseases Education and Research, Research Institute for Microbial Diseases, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan)
2:20 PM - 2:35 PM
*Atsuya Yamashita1, Hirotake Kasai1, Tomohisa Tanaka1, Naoki Ohtsu1, Yasunori Akaike1, Kohji Moriishi1,2 (1. University of Yamanashi, 2. Hokkaido University)
2:35 PM - 2:50 PM
*GN Rsi Suwardana1, Takayuki Abe1, Kuroki Daisuke1, Lin Deng1, Chieko Matsui1, Masafumi Ueda2, Takahashi Okitsu3, Manabu Hatano3, Kunitada Shimotohno4, Ikuo Shoji1 (1. Division of Infectious Disease Control, Center for Infectious Diseases, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe, Japan, 2. Medicinal Chemistry Laboratory, Kobe Pharmaceutical University, Kobe, Japan, 3. Laboratory of Organic Chemistry for Life Science, Kobe Pharmaceutical University, Kobe, Japan, 4. National Center for Global Health and Medicine, Chiba, Japan)
2:50 PM - 3:05 PM
*Naoki Yamamoto1, Yusuke Sato2, Shuko Murakami3, Yasuhito Tanaka4, Hideyoshi Harashima2, Michinori Kohara1 (1. Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science, 2. Hokkaido University, 3. Nagoya City University Graduate School of Medical Sciences, 4. Kumamoto University)
3:05 PM - 3:20 PM
*GUANG YANG1, YUTAKA FURUTANI2, HARUYO AOYAGI1, RYUDA UEDA1, MADOKA SONOBE1, KENJI OGAWA3, TAKASHI NIWA4,5, KAORU KOBAYASHI6, TAKAMITU HOSOYA4,5, YOUSUKE KANAYAMA4,8, YASUYOSHI WATANABE4, SUMIKO NAGOSHI7, TOMOKAZU MATSUURA2, TAKAJI WAKITA1, MASAMICHI MURAMATSU1, KOUICHI WATASHI1, KOUSHO WAKAE1, HIDEKI AIZAKI1 (1. National Institute of Infectious Diseases, 2. The Jikei University School of Medicine, 3. Nihon University, 4. Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, 5. Tokyo Medical and Dental University, 6. Meiji Pharmaceutical University, 7. Saitama Medical University, 8. Kavli IPMU, The University of Tokyo)
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