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[1Aa01-11] 放射光表面科学部会「放射光による表面界面の先端的解析:基礎から応用まで」

Wed. Nov 3, 2021 9:00 AM - 11:45 AM Room A (Udon)

Chair:Jun Yoshinobu(The University of Tokyo), Fumihiko Matsui(Institute for Molecular Science)

9:00 AM - 9:30 AM

[1Aa01] Retarding field electron energy analyzer and photoelectron holography

*tomohiro matsushita1 (1. Nara institute of science and technology)

Photoelectron holography is a related method to XPS. It provides a three-dimensional atomic arrangement of the chemical state of each core level. The atomic arrangements such as dopants in crystal, interfaces under the surface, and so on can be measured. To measure photoelectrons at a wide steric angle, we have developed a retarding-field electron energy analyzer. It can measure a wide range of steric angles of ±50°with a high energy resolution. We also developed the theories of data analysis. These apparatus, theories, and applications will be introduced.