
Presentation information


[1Aa01-11] 放射光表面科学部会「放射光による表面界面の先端的解析:基礎から応用まで」

Wed. Nov 3, 2021 9:00 AM - 11:45 AM Room A (Udon)

Chair:Jun Yoshinobu(The University of Tokyo), Fumihiko Matsui(Institute for Molecular Science)

9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

[1Aa03] Surface electronic state characterized by photoelectron momentum microscope

*Fumihiko Matsui1 (1. National Institutes of Natural Science, Institute for Molecular Science )

The photoelectron momentum microscope is a projection-type multifunctional photoelectron analyzer that combines an electron energy analyzer and a photoelectron microscope. Taking advantage of the feature that the field diameter in the momentum space can be expanded up to Ø6.4 Å-1, it is possible to measure the band dispersion from a minute area of several μm size selected in the microscopic mode. At the UVSOR soft X-ray beamline, we launched the first experimental station for photoelectron momentum microscopes outside Europe. In this talk, we will introduce actual measurement examples.