
Presentation information


[1Ap01-15] 表面分析研究部会「最近の表面分析いろいろ」

Wed. Nov 3, 2021 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM Room A (Udon)

Chair:Mineharu Suzuki, Hideki Yoshikawa(National Institute for Materials Science)

5:00 PM - 5:30 PM

[1Ap15] Standardization of Surface Characterization of Biological Materials

*Yoshishige Kimura1 (1. Kanagawa University of Human Services)

ISO/TC201/WG4 is a working group for the surface characterization of biological materials, whose international convener was Prof. Setou since 2018, followed by the presenter this year. We will report on the recent progress of surface chemical analysis for biological materials, focusing on the imaging mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS and MALDI), together with the needs of standardization.