
Presentation information

Surface Science(SS1) Physical Property

[1Ca02-12] SS1

Wed. Nov 3, 2021 9:15 AM - 12:00 PM Room C (Takamatsu)

Chair:(Waseda University), Shinichiro Hatta(Kyoto University)

9:45 AM - 10:00 AM

[1Ca04Y] Observation of structure and electronic states of a single-layer Kondo lattice CePt6/Pt(111)

*koichiro ienaga1,2, Sunghun Kim1,3, Toshio Miyamachi1,4, Fumio Komori1,5 (1. ISSP, the Univ. of Tokyo, 2. Dept. of Phys., Tokyo Tech., 3. KAIST, 4. ImaSS, Nagoya Univ., 5. IIS, the Univ. of Tokyo)

We grew 1 unit layer (u.l.) of a Ce-Pt intermetallic compound on Pt(111) and observed the structure and the electronic states using scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy. Atomically resolved observation revealed the formation of an ordered (2×2)-CePt6/Pt(111) with a pure Pt atomic layer at the surface. By measuring quasiparticle interference at 5 K, we found that the surface state on Pt(111) above Fermi energy shifts downward on the topmost Pt layer of the 1 u.l. CePt6, indicating charge transfer from the underneath CePt2 layer. The observed zero-bias anomaly in the tunneling spectra suggests a coherent Kondo state.