
Presentation information

Surface Science(SS1) Physical Property

[1Ca02-12] SS1

Wed. Nov 3, 2021 9:15 AM - 12:00 PM Room C (Takamatsu)

Chair:(Waseda University), Shinichiro Hatta(Kyoto University)

10:15 AM - 10:30 AM

[1Ca06] Superconducting state of nodal line semimetal NaAlSi studied by STM

*masahiro haze1, Yudai Sato1, Takahiro Yamada2, Hisanori Yamane2, Daigorou Hirai1, Zenji Hiroi1, Yukio Hasegawa1 (1. University of Tokyo, 2. Tohoku University)

Nodal line semimetals, whose valence and conduction bands cross on a line in the Brillouin zone, have attracted a lot of attention as a new class of topological materials. Recently it has been reported that NaAlSi is belong to nodal line semimetals and it shows superconducting transition at 7K, which is relatively high temperature. We will present the electronic properties of NaAlSi measured by low temperature scanning tunneling microscopy.