
Presentation information

Environmental Material/Energy Material(SU/EN)

[1Ea07-12] SU/EN

Wed. Nov 3, 2021 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Room E (Naoshima)

Chair:Hiromi Yamashita(Osaka University)

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

[1Ea07] Surface science of clay sorbent and radionuclide waste disposal

*Hisao Satoh1, Yuki Araki2 (1. Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited, 2. Ritsumeikan University)

Montmorillonite clay has cation exchange and swelling properties. Although the swelling can be quantified by in-situ XRD and AFM, the cation exchange can be recognized by only chemical analysis. Since new in-situ FM-AFM technique enables direct visualization of clay hydration in molecular scale as distribution coefficient, it provides us nanoscopic understanding and quantitative visualization of nuclide sorption. This advance supports visualization of safety and contributes to sustainable business of safety disposal of wastes from nuclear power plants.