
Presentation information


[2Ba02-13] SPM Division's Session

Thu. Nov 4, 2021 8:45 AM - 12:00 PM Room B (Olive)

Chair:Yukio Hasegawa(The University of Tokyo), Yoshiaki Sugimoto(The University of Tokyo)

11:00 AM - 11:30 AM

[2Ba11] Single-molecule precise nanospectroscopy with a photon-STM

*hiroshi imada1,2 (1. RIKEN, 2. JST PRESTO)

In recent years, high spatial resolution spectroscopy such as electroluminescence spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy has been realized by combining scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and optical technology. We introduced a CW tunable laser into a photon-STM as an excitation source and developed single-molecule photoluminescence spectroscopy. Precise spectroscopy with an energy resolution of μeV level, which is more than an order of magnitude higher than before, has been realized, and it has become possible to elucidate the properties of molecules and the details of the interaction between molecules and electromagnetic fields.