
Presentation information


[3Ba01-12] スパッタリングおよびプラズマプロセス技術部会「スパッタ・プラズマで切り拓くナノ構造の世界」

Fri. Nov 5, 2021 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Room B (Olive)

Chair:Takeo Nakano(Seikei University), Masahide Kuroiwa

9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

[3Ba03] STM observation of carbon nanostructures formed by irradiation of carbon plasma on Ag(111) surface

Genki Yamashita1, *shu kurokawa1 (1. Kyoto University)

We have found that novel carbon nanostructures are formed after irradiation of carbon plasma on noble metal surfaces. In this study, we changed the condition of the irradiation and observed the structures formed on Ag(111) surface. At present, we consider that the carbon nanostructure is the one-dimensional chain of C20 fullerenes. We will discuss the result of comparison between the result of STS and DFT calculation.