
Presentation information

Poster (core time)

[3P01-27] Poster

Fri. Nov 5, 2021 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM P会場 (P会場)

13:30-14:30 一ノ倉聖(東工大)
14:30-15:30 土師将裕(東大)

[3P01] Potential barrier for oxidation of HfSi2/Si(111) surface studied with super sonic O2 molecular beam

*takuhiro kakiuchi1, Akira Shiraishi1, Ryotaro Yamane1, Takahiro Yano1, Yasutaka Tsuda2, Akitaka Yoshigoe2 (1. Faculty of Science, Ehime University, 2. Japan Atomic Energy Agency)

The oxidation processes of Hf disilicide on Si(111) substrate [HfSi2/Si(111)] after supersonic O2 molecular beam (SOMB) irradiation were investigated with synchrotron radiation soft X-ray photoelectron spectroscopies of Hf 4f, Si 2p, and O 1s core-levels. A direct dissociation process of the impinging O2 will be discussed from the oxidation progression depending on SOMB kinetic energy (KE) increase. In addition, the potential barrier for oxidation of HfSi2/Si(111) will be also demonstrated from a stepwise growth of the total area of Hf oxide species depending on KE of SOMB.