JVSS 2023

Presentation information

Divisions' Session

[3Fp01-10] Latest trends of sealing inspections and leak testing: Vacuum Technologies Division's Session

Thu. Nov 2, 2023 12:30 PM - 4:15 PM F: Room223 (2F)

Chair:Tomoo Ota(Shimadzu Corporation), Junichiro Kamiya(Japan Atomic Energy Agency), Shinichi Sekiguchi(Ebara Corporation)

1:00 PM - 1:20 PM

[3Fp03] Trends in hermeticity testing of electronic devices

*Akimitsu Tanabe1 (1. FUKUDA Company Limited)

Many electronic devices with internal cavity are sealed in a vacuum state or filled with inert gas to protect the internal elements and circuits so that they can operate stably over a long period of time. Hermetic tests using air, helium gas, or liquid are used to inspect the sealing performance and ensure their quality. In general, there are two main types of tests: gross leak tests to detect large defects and fine leak tests to detect minute defects. The gross leak test is mainly performed by immersion testing using fluorine-based inert liquid, but due to the recent deterioration in availability and consideration of environmental impact, alternative testing methods are being sought. In this presentation, we will introduce the method to set appropriate conditions for air leak test, which is one of the alternative tests, and fine leak test so that you can avoid overlooking any defect(s).

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