
System Requirements
Recommended Browser
Recommended Browsers to use this service are below.
  • Firefox The latest version
  • Safari The latest version
  • Chrome The latest version
  • Microsoft Edge The latest version

Our service does not guarantee normal functionality outside of the recommended browsers. Please install/upgrade browsers if you don't have one.

Cookie is a mechanism that pool data in a browser temporarily for faster access to the web contents. This service uses Cookies. Please activate Cookie to use this service properly.
This service uses JavaScript. Please activate JavaScript to use this service properly.
Log In

You are required to log in to use this service. Click on “Sign up / Log In” on the header menu.
*The button name may differ in each website.

Log In

Please create your account from "Sign Up".

Log In
Create your account with your profile

You need to create your account to use schedule management or bookmark management in this service. A valid email address is needed to create an account.

Create Account

Please create your account from "Create My Account" at the header menu.


* After you sign up for your account, a confirmation letter will be sent to the address you registered. Please verify your account in the mail to complete the registration.

Change your profile or password

You can change your profile and/or password from "Profile Management". When you change your mail address, the confirmation mail will be sent for your verification. Please verify the change in the mail to complete the alteration.


You can also change your profile by clicking on 'My Profile' in the left menu then clicking 'Edit'. By registering your Website URL or SNS accounts, links to the accounts will be displayed.

View/Search Programs
View Programs via Sessions

You can see a list of sessions by clicking 'Sessions' in the left pane menu, and view programs via the sessions.

View Programs in Timetable

Click on 'Timetable' in the left pane menu to display the list of dates.
Select a date for which a timetable is shown.
On the timetable, you can view sessions held per venues.
By clicking on 'Display switching' in the top-right-hand corner, you can expand or reduce the display size, as well as switch the display (e.g. display only sessions in your schedule.).
You can check the meaning of each color of sessions from the icon in the bottom right-hand corner.


The list of dates is displayed when you click the date in the top of the timetable. By clicking the date, you can switch the display of the timetable for any dates.

Search for Sessions and Presentations

You can search for sessions or presentations by keywords.

Advanced Search for Sessions and Presentations

You can search for more detailed information by clicking on 'Presentation Search' in the left pane menu. You can enter presentation titles, presentation numbers, names or affiliations of presenters or keywords into the search box.


The presentations that match the keywords are shown in a list, so you can find presentation from the list.

  • You can search with multiple keywords in a box separated by a space for the ‘Other Keywords'.
  • If you enter keywords in multiple criteria, the search is performed to find presentations that match all the criteria.
  • If you're seeing more results than you expect, you can narrow down the scope of search.
View Sessions in detail on Timetable

Mouseover on each session on timetable will show you the information of the session. By clicking the session title, you can see detailed information of the sessions as well as the information of presentations.

Ongoing Sessions on the Timetable

On the timetable of the day, 'What's on now bar' is shown on the timetable to indicate ongoing sessions on the table.

Schedule and “Like”(Require Logging in)

* This operation may be disabled due to the policy established by the organizer.
For presentations you have added to your schedule or bookmarked with “Like”, schedule icons and “Like” icons are shown in the sessions of the presentations.

Cancelled Presentations

You can view cancelled presentations in a list via 'Cancelled' in the left pane menu.
The cancelled presentations are labeled as "Cancelled" in red on the pages.

Cancelled Presentations

On the timetable, the cancelled presentations are grayed out.
The cancelled presentations are also grayed out on the Session/Presentation pages and cannot be bookmarked with “Like” or added to schedule anymore.

Ongoing Sessions

On the timetable of the day, 'What's on now bar' is shown on the timetable to indicate ongoing sessions on the table.

Sharing with SNS

You can share information for sessions and presentations with SNS services.

  • If you have X account, you can submit information by clicking 'Post' button on the page.
Manage Presentations You Like

You can show your applause to presentations with “Like”.
* Account registration is required to use this feature.

Give and Take “Like” to Presentations

You can give/take “Like” to presentations in each presentations’ page by clicking “Like” button.

View Presentations You “Like”

You can see the list of presentations you like from the “Presentations You Like” button at the left pane menu.

Presentations You Like

If you wish to see presentations you like on the timetable, go to “Timetable” from the left pane menu, choose a date, click on 'Display switching' on the top of screen and switch view from “All” to “Presentations you like”, then you will see sessions which have presentations you bookmarked with “Like”, exclusively.

Print out Presentation
Print out Sessions/Presentations

You can print out pages for sessions/presentations by clicking 'Print' button on the pages, which gives you an optimized display of the pages.
Click on 'Print' button to start printing out.

Print out Sessions/Presentations
Print out Presentations You Like/My Schedules

You can print out sessions/presentations you added to your schedule or “Like” as a list.
* This operation may be disabled due to the policy established by the organizer.

Optimized display of the pages will be shown when you click 'Print All' button on the pages. Click on 'Print' button to start printing out.

Print out Presentations You Like/My Schedules
* Screen shot images in this help may change without prior notice.
* peration of some of the features guided in this help may be disabled due to the policy established by organizer of conference.
* rogram of conference is not available on the site before it is officially published.