The 40th Annual Meeting of The Laser Society of Japan

Presentation information


X: Interdisciplinary and new fields

[X02-22a-XI] 新奇光利用(2)、AI教育

Wed. Jan 22, 2020 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM small meeting room 6 (convention wing 3F)

座長:山本 裕紹(宇都宮大学 オプティクス教育研究センター)

11:30 AM - 11:45 AM

[X02-22a-XI-03] 誘電体多層膜の機械学習における Recurrent Neural Network の有効性

○Tomomasa Ohkubo1, Ei-ichi Matsunaga1, Junji Kawanaka2, Takahisa Jitsuno2, Shinji Motokoshi3, Kunio Yoshida2 (1. Tokyo University of Technology, 2. Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University, 3. Institute for Laser Technology)

Keywords:機械学習, 誘電体多層膜, 光学設計

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