29th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT29)

Presentation information

Half Plenary

[18P-HPA] Half Plenary

Thu. Aug 18, 2022 5:20 PM - 6:30 PM Hall 1 (Main Hall A)

5:10 PM - 5:50 PM

[18P-HPA-01] Fractional statistics in anyon collisions

*Gwendal FEVE1, Hugo bartolomei1, Manohar Kumar1, Mélanie Ruelle1, Elric Frigério1, Arthur Marguerite1, Jean-Marc Berroir1, Erwann Bocquillon1, Bernard Plaçais1, Antonella Cavanna2, Quan Dong2, Ulf Gennser2, Yong Jin2 (1. Sorbonne University, Laboratoire de physique de l'Ecole normale supérieure, ENS, CNRS, 2. Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies (C2N), CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay)

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