29th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT29)

Presentation information

Invited & Contributed

[19P-SF2B] Invited&Contributed

Fri. Aug 19, 2022 4:30 PM - 6:10 PM Hall 5 (Meeting Room 204)

5:30 PM - 5:50 PM

[19P-SF2B-03] Field-angle-resolved calorimetry of the Kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5

Keito Obata1, Kazumi Fukushima1, Sotaro Yamane1, Yajian Hu1, Giordano Mattoni1, Yugui Yao2, Yongkai Li2, Zhiwei Wang2, Yoshiteru Maeno1,3, *Shingo Yonezawa1 (1. Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, 2. Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, P. R. China, 3. Toyota Riken - Kyoto University Research Center, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan)

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