29th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT29)

Presentation information


[P22-SF4] Poster

Mon. Aug 22, 2022 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Poster (Main Hall B)

[P22-SF4-04] Chip-based magnetic levitation of superconducting um-sized lead spheres for macroscopic quantum experiments

*Marti Gutierrez Gutierrez1, Achintya Paradkar1, Gerard Higgins1,2, Witlef Wieczorek1 (1. Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2), Chalmers University of Technology, Kemivägen 9, SE-412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden, 2. Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology (VCQ), Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna, Boltzmanngasse 5, Vienna, A-1090, Austria)

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