



2014年9月16日(火) 09:00 〜 12:00 231教室 (熊本大学)

司会:村山憲弘(関西大), 西須佳宏(産総研)

10:40 〜 11:20

[B3-3] 重金属の吸着浄化

ドドビバジョルジ, 藤田豊久 (東京大学大学院工学系研究科)


キーワード:吸着, 重金属

A study was carried out in order to compare the environmental performance of two different types of adsorbents in adsorbing arsenic (As) from wastewater. A FeCl3-based adsorbent and a poly-Fe-based adsorbent were first synthesized and their abilities in adsorbing arsenic (As) from wastewater were investigated in terms of the adsorption density and the rate of adsorption. Both adsorbents were then compared in the context of life cycle assessment (LCA). In other words, the experimental results (i.e. the value of the adsorption density and the rate of adsorption) were inputted into the LCA model in order to assess the environmental performance of each adsorbent in removing arsenic. An estimate for the environmental burden of each option was finally calculated as the sum of the depletion of abiotic resources (ADP), the global warming potential (GWP), the acidification potential (AP), the photo-oxidant formation potential (POCP), the eutrophication potential (EP), and the human toxicity potential (HTP). The main finding of this study was that the adsorption of arsenic by using the poly-Fe-based adsorbent is more attractive treatment option in the environmental protection point of view than the adsorption by using the FeCl3-based adsorbent.




