一般社団法人資源・素材学会 平成27(2015)年度 春季大会




2015年3月27日(金) 14:15 〜 17:00 第5会場 (千葉工業大学)

司会: 木崎彰久 (秋田大), 福田大祐 (北大)

14:15 〜 14:30

[1511] 有限要素法を用いたシェブロンノッチを有するSCB試験片の応力拡大係数の解析

Eqlima Mahdavi1, Yuzo OBARA2, Majid Reza Ayatollahi1 (1.Iran University of Science and Technology, 2.Kumamoto University)

司会: 木崎 彰久 (秋田大)

キーワード:破壊靱性試験, SCB試験片, シェブロンノッチ, 有限要素法, 応力拡大係数

The semi-circular bend (SCB) test is one of the tests to investigate the mode-I fracture toughness of rock and convenient for estimating it. The conventional SCB specimen has straight shaped notch.However, it is preferred to use of V shaped (or chevron) notch in SCB specimen, because of some technical difficulties associated with making a sharp crack or creating pre-crack to perform experimental tests. In this paper, the minimum dimensionless stress intensity factor of semi-circular bend specimen with chevron notch is calculated using finite element analysis with ABAQUS software. The result is then compared with analytical result obtained from slice synthesis method. Good agreement can be observed between two results. 




