MMIJ Annual Meeting 2016

Presentation information



Mon. Mar 28, 2016 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM 第5会場 (東京大学)

司会:福田大祐(北海道大学), 坂口清敏(東北大学), 伊藤高敏(東北大学), 藤井義明(北海道大学)

11:30 AM - 11:45 AM

[1503] Effect of water on loading rate dependence of rock strength

包添書1, 片岡みなみ1, 羽柴公博1, 福井勝則1 (1.東京大学)


Keywords:岩石, 一軸圧縮強度, 載荷速度依存性, 水分, 空隙率

To estimate long-term deformation and stability of underground structures, knowledge of the loading rate dependence of rock is essential. In order to understand the effect of water on loading rate dependence, the studies considering wide range of the water effects are necessary. In this study, the effect of water on the loading rate dependence of rock strength was investigated with conducting uniaxial compression tests under the following three conditions: completely-dried, air-dried and water-saturated conditions. The loading rate dependence of rocks was estimated from the results of alternating loading rate tests with four Japanese rocks, in which a rock specimen was compressed under the loading rate alternated between slow and high rates. Also, Inada granite were used to conduct constant strain rate tests. From the experimental results, the degree of the loading rate dependence in water-saturated condition was higher than that in completely-dried and air-dried conditions, and that under completely-died condition was the lowest. The effect of water on the peak strength and Young’s modulus, and the relation between the mechanical characteristics in each condition and the porosity in each rock type was also discussed. 




