MMIJ Annual Meeting 2016

Presentation information



Tue. Mar 29, 2016 9:15 AM - 12:00 PM 第7会場 (東京大学)

司会:齊藤敬高(九州大学), 谷ノ内勇樹(東京大学)

9:30 AM - 9:45 AM

[2702] Analysis of material balance in the heat carbon reduction process for solar silicon by real-time weight monitoring

Benioub Rabie1, boucetta Abd erahmane1, Heddadj sidi mohammed1, Chahtou Amina1, 伊髙健治2 (1.弘前大学 理工学研究科, 2.弘前大学 北日本新エネルギー研究所)


Keywords:太陽電池シリコン, 熱炭素還元, 熱天秤

Analysis of material balance in the heat carbon reduction process for solar silicon by real-time weight monitoring   Analysis of material balance in the heat carbon reduction process for solar silicon by real-time weight monitoring. High-purity direct reduction process using carbothermic reduction is one of the promising process for the huge-scale production of the solar cells. The equilibrium of the carbothermic reduction process is determined by the phase diagram with gas phase, SiO and CO gases. The difficulty of the real-time precise detection for SiO gas, however, causes cut and try experiment for the process development. Here, we developed the real-time weight-loss monitoring for actual carbon crucibles under the carbothermic reduction process, which is different from the thermobalance at the point of the use of the semi-closed crucibles. In the talk, we will discuss the relation between the release holes of the gases at the crucibles and silicon production.




