一般社団法人資源・素材学会 平成28(2016)年度 春季大会




2016年3月30日(水) 09:15 〜 15:30 第5会場 (東京大学)

司会:武川順一(京都大学), 羽柴公博(東京大学), 児玉淳一(北海道大学), 笹岡孝司(九州大学)

10:00 〜 10:15

[3503] Coal Mining inMalawi: Towards Economic Diversification

YASIDU Umali1, MANEYA George1, FUJII Yoshiaki2 (1.Depertment of Mines, Malawi, 2.Hokkaido University)


キーワード:Strategic target commodity, Production trend, Hanging roof, Technical and financial support

Due to poor agricultural production in Malawi, mining is the promising economic driver with coal as the strategic target commodity. The mining sector is in its infancy stage compared to other sub-Saharan countries. The paper discusses coal production trends and contributions to the overall economy of Malawi. Following analysis of problems in coal mines, a research investigating the effect of humidity on the strength properties of coal bearing rocks in Malawi is introduced. The aim is to improve the status of safety and risk management issues in underground coal mines. Method involves in-situ measurement of humidity, collection of rock samples and conduction of a multistage triaxial test for strength properties. The expected results are humidity variations in the sublevels, a weakening effect in the existing rupture
surfaces in hanging roof and collapse. A conclusion can be drawn that technical and financial support brought to coal mines correlates with productivity.




